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Welcome to the I world congress on mental health: Meeting the needs of the XXI century!

7-8 october 2016, Moscow, Russia

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

Greetings to you from the 9th World Psychotherapy Conference Asia 2015.

On behalf of the organizing committees and our co-hosts: the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy; the International Psychology Centre; the World Council for Psychotherapy; the Ministry of Health Malaysia; the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association; the International Journal for Psychotherapy, Counseling & Psychiatry: Theory, Research & Clinical Practice, we would like to invite you to participate and present your papers at the WPCA 2015 with details below.

Title: 9th World Psychotherapy Conference Asia 2015

Theme: Mystery, Uncertainty, Growth & Psychotherapy

Date: 30th August 2015 to 2nd September 2015

Venue: Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 30th April 2015

Deadline of Abstract Submission: 31st March 2015

Paper Submitter Registration: Before 1st May 2015

Your participation is sincerely appreciated. Please visit to find out more.

As for your information, all presented papers will be invited to be published in The International Journal of Psychotherapy, Counseling & Psychiatry: Theory, Research & Clinical Practice too.

Best Regards,

Jeniece Yong

Congress Secretariat

9th World Psychotherapy Conference Asia 2015

11-1, Wisma Laxton, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa,

58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 603 – 2727 7434 Fax: 603 – 2727 7520

Email: secretariat@counselingmalaysia.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it



The First United Eurasian Congress for Psychotherapy
(XIX Congress of the European Association for Psychotherapy and VII Pan Asian Congress for Psychotherapy)
«Psychotherapy Without Borders: Past, Present and Future»

July 2013, Moscow, Russia


July 1-4 St. Petersburg : Psychotherapeutic tourism: "A Window to Europe"
Daytime touristic program, excursions for psychotherapists and friends.

Evening conference: a place to share experiences with the professionals of Saint Petersburg and specialists from another Russian districts. Informal communication between domestic and foreign experts in psychotherapy.


July 2-4, Moscow: first part of the united Eurasian decadnik for psychotherapy:
Decadnic for specialists from Russia, Europe, Asia and other continents featuring top coaches from around the world.



The program of the first Eurasian congress for psychotherapy

5 July

6 July

7 July

Opening ceremony of the congress

Plenary lectures

Plenary lectures

Plenary lectures, breakout meetings, symposiums, sections

Plenary and breakout meetings, symposiums, sections

Plenary and breakout meetings, symposiums, sections




Ceremonial presentation of new holders of European an world certificates for psychotherapy

Board meetings of the EAP and AFP

Board meetings of the EAP

Conference in the memory of Serge and Anne Ginger

Conference for students and young psychotherapists

Closing ceremony

Psychotherapeutic ball

Evening program

Departure of the train "the Road to the East", start of the psychotherapeutic journey along the Trans-Siberian Railway


July 8-10, Moscow: second part of the united Eurasian decadnik for psychotherapy:
Decadnic for specialists from Russia, Europe, Asia and other continents featuring top coaches from around the world.


Psychotherapeutic journey along the Trans-Siberian Railway: "The Road to the East" 7-14 July 2013.
Decadniks, conferences and meetings organized in all branches of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League, with the participation of domestic and foreign experts.


Decadniks and conferences will be organized in Perm, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, and others. The core group will participate at Decadniks in the Pacific (Vladivostok) (July 14-17) and Baikal lake (19-23 July).


Participants of the journey "The Road to the East" will have a possibility to create their own travel plans. Participants of these events are able either to join the train’s ride along the Trans-Siberian Railway or to catch up with the train while travelling by plane. At the traditional for the organization of decadniks Russian cities the participants of the journey will be welcomed by the domestic psychotherapists.

Next congresses of the AFP:

  • Year 2012, from 24 till 26.09, Delhi, India.
  • Year 2013, from 5.07 till 7.07, Moscow, Russia (The first Euroasiatic Congress).
  • World Congress for Psychotherapy, Year 2014, from 11 till 15.06, Durban, South Africa.
  • Year 2015, from 30.08 till 02.09, Kuching, Malaysia.
  • Year 2016, from 21.05 till 24.05, Tehran, Iran.

Dear Collegues! The 6th congress of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy and the 5th international conference of yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India is going to take place in Delhi, India from 24 - 26 September. For more information please see the webpage of the congress:

for more information please click here.

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the AFP

26.08.2011, VI World Congress for Psychotherapy, Sydney, Australia

Vice-president of AFP-Viktor Makarov

Participants: Alexander Katkov (Kazakhstan), Qian Mingy (China), Mohammad Khodayarifard (Iran), Viktor Makarov (Russia), Ekaterina Makarova (Russia), Alfred Pritz (Austria), Edward Chan (Malaysia), Xudong Zhao (China).

Apologies: Ali Mohammad Goodarzi (Iran), Yuji Sasaki (Japan), Ganesh Shankar (India).

Meetings Agenda:

1.Greeting of new Board Members
2.Discussion about the position of chinese national representatives.
3. Discussion about venues and dates of the next congresses of the AFP.

1. The Board wecomes Prof. Dr. Edward Chan, president of the Malaysian Association for psychotherapy, as a national representative of Malaysia.
The Board welcomes Dr. Xudong Zhao, president of the german-chinese Academy for psychotherapy.

2. Mingy Qian proposed Dr. Xudong Zhao as a national representative of China. Viktor Makarov proposed Mingy Qian as a national vice-representative of China.
Decision: the position of the chinese national representatives have been approved.

3. After the discussion, the following venues and dates of the Congresses of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy have been established:

  • Year 2012, from 24 till 26.09, Delhi, India.
  • Year 2013, from 5.07 till 7.07, Moscow, Russia (The first Euroasiatic Congress).
  • World Congress for Psychotherapy, Year 2014, from 11 till 15.06, Durban, South Africa.
  • Year 2015, from 30.08 till 02.09, Kuching, Malaysia.
  • Year 2016, from 21.05 till 24.05, Tehran, Iran.

The next Board Meeting of AFP will take place in Delhi

Board Meeting Minutes prepared by Ekaterina Makarova
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